
Course 3 - 2.2 Seed Technique

In this lecture we cover the seed technique - a great way to take a simple idea and flesh it out more

This lecture is from the course Generative AI for Writers.

Another approach to fleshing out ideas with the help of AI called the Seed technique. It's different from the SITS method I covered previously, which works best when you have a clear, specific idea in mind. With the Seed technique, you start with a simple, basic idea and then iteratively develop it into something more detailed and fleshed out, getting as much help from the AI as I need along the way.

The key to the Seed technique is that you remain in control, guiding how the AI assists you in elaborating on your ideas. You might just need a high-level fleshing out of concepts, or you may want help with structuring certain parts or developing overall themes in your writing.

Ultimately, the ideas are yours - but using this method also inspired and aided by an eager AI assistant, but with you deciding what to use and how to use the AI's output. It's a collaborative process, but one where you maintain creative control throughout.


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